Basic Stats
Strength: 100
Hierro: 60
Speed: 120
Reiatsu: 200 ( 100 sealed, 300 unsealed)
Stamina: 240
Secondary Stats
Zanjutsu Skill: 75
Resurreccion Mastery: 100
Cero & Bala Intelligence: 100
Sonido Mastery: 100
Since my mastery is 100 and my base stats are 480 I multiply 480 by 1.2 and then I get that many stats to add. So 480 x 1.2 = 576 more points to use.
Strength: 300 [ 100 + 200)
Hierro: 156 ( 60 + 96]
Speed: 300 ( 120 + 180}
Reiatsu: 400 ( 300+ 100_
Segunda Etapa
Since I have 100 Ressurection mastery I get a 2x multiplyer from my base stats for Segunda boost. So, 480 x 2 = 960 to add, but while this is activated, the boost from basic ressurection is gone.
Strength: 360 ( 100 + 240)
Hierro: 200 ( 60 + 140)
Speed: 400 ( 120 + 280)
Reiatsu: 600 ( 300+300)