Basic Information
Name: (Your characters name.)
Age: (Characters age.)
Gender: (Male or Female).
Rank: (Arrancer or Espada.)
Number: (If your character's an Espada.)
Looks: (What your character looks like)
Hollow Hole: (Where your hollow hole is located.)
Mask Fragment: (Where the remains of your mask are located.)
Number Tattoo: (Where is your number tattoo'd on your body.)
Personality: (How your character normally acts and in certain situations.)
Sexuality: (Whether your character is straight, gay, bisexual, etc.)
Relationship Status: Single, taken, etc.)
Resurrecion Information
Name: (The name of your Resurrecion.)
Represent: (When you release your resurrection what animal or insect it represents.)
Family: (Choose one from fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, metal, shadow/dark, light/holy, ice/snow, nature, gravity, poison.)
Looks: (What your character looks like in release state.)
Name: (Name of your tech)
State: (Normal, Ressurrecion, or both)
Description: (What your tech is, and what it does)
History and RP Sample
History: (Your characters history.)
RP Sample: (An example of how you RP)