Kurai sighed gently walking along the Forest of KaraKura town with nothing much to do. She was wereing her shinigami outfit, which was only a long white dress that looked much like a night gown dress, & her hair was hanging down her back, softly blowing in the wind. The red rose vines that were usually curled around her lay on the ground, crawling on it & following Kurai. Kurai was looking to the sky, watching the stars in the night. She soon closed her eyes & began singing softly,
"Careful what you do, because God is watching your every move. Hold my hand in the dear street, for if, you do I know that I will be safe. Even if I'm far away, and alone, I can be sure that you'll find me there, this, I know. You hold me close for awhile, so quiet, you tell me everything. If I forget what you say, then you'll come to me, & tell me, again.. Yes you'll tell me, once, again." she stopped for a moment, opening her eyes once the light from the moon was blocked off by some dark clouds then soon continued, "But what happens when, I know it all, then what should I do, after that? What then...?" after she finished it she continued to look to the sky, watching it & ignoreing almost everything around her.