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 Ri O'Nocht (Complete)

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Ri O'Nocht

Ri O'Nocht

Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Ri O'Nocht (Complete)   Ri O'Nocht (Complete) EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 6:19 am

Basic Information

Name: Ri O'Nocht

Appeared Age: Late Thirtys

Gender: Male

Division: Fromer Squad Thirteen

Rank: N/A

Organization: Unaffiliated


Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Snapshot20070419233452_small1

Ri stands at 5,1 making him somewhat short compared to most shinigami though Ri never thinks of it as a disadvantage. His hair is a dark brown and has a mind of it's own never lying flat but rather in a mess of it's own creation. His eyes are a emerald green but change the moment he touches his Zanpakuto, they change from green to a shinning blue this is a result of Ri's deep connection with his Zanpakut, Gaircas.

His small build and stature lies about his really abilities which only work in his favor as others tend to underestimate him due to his appearance. On the average day Ri attire is the standard shinigami outfit though his attire always seems to end up in tatters. Along his Arm is a scar that was magnificently turn into a tattoo of a Rose, a symbol of Ri's eternal love for her. On his back there is a tattoo of Gaircas that is on his sheath as well. Similar to his eye when Ri touches his Zanpakuto the tattoo on his back glows though see as his back is usually cover it is rarely seen by anyone.

He carries his Zanpakuto on the right side of his hip, being left handed and on the left side he carries a bottle made of Sekkiseki, this was given to Ri as a wedding gift from his wife and since the day he was given it's never felt his side for long. The bottle is more or less unbreakable being made form Sekkiseki that negates all spirit pressure.


Ri was once a very care free person, he never rush instead he enjoyed every moment of his life a honest smile was never far from his face. He loved every day more and more for the sole reason he had Rose by his side. He cared for every living thing and long sought to protect it all and with Rose with him he never doubted that they couldn't protect it all.

At this time Ri had a vast circle of close friends, friends he saw as brother and sisters more then anything else. Ri ,when he set his mind on something becomes relentless to obtain his goal what ever it maybe. He holds his pride and friends over everything else and fights for those reasons. He rarely will back down or apologize unless he's certain he should.

Then in a single day this world ended, Rose was murdered. This prove Ri to edge of madness, seeking revenge he fought his way through hueco mundo to find his wife murderer. Ri got his revenge but he was forever changed, he'd failed to protect that he held dearest, he couldn't think of a reason to live.
After this Ri went into isolation for near five decades when he returned he appeared to have to returned to his normal self but thats nothing but a mask to hid the pain he suffers everyday. The only reason Ri returned is so that he could die in battle, he'd been unable to take his own life.

Now Ri see's the values he once had held so high but be worthless, he cared for no one and for all he cares no one cares for him. Bitterness, distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic all these now define Ri, the definition of a cynic

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship Status: widower

General Fighting Style:

Ri's fighting style focus on first identify his opponent ability, he does this but allowing his opponent to attack him and make contact, he block his vital points to avoid any real injuries but minor injuries he'll sustain to identify his opponent fighting style strengths and weakness.

Once he knows his opponent well enough he will break off the fight and offer the chance from them to withdraw peacefully should that fail and it always seem to Ri will take the offensive exploiting any weakness he identified.

However this technique takes time and when Ri's time is short he will press his enemy using his spirit pressure to overcome his opponent. Ri's fighting style is one that constantly evolves as he does and his curiosity leads him to constantly chance his style thought he reply mainly on his two greatest strengths.

His spirit pressure and his intellect are his main weapon in battle, Ri will enter into battle without strategy and come up with one well fighting as he works far better under pressure then when he's not, maybe because he's lazy and doesn't do whats needed till it's need or maybe it just how his head works. He sure as hell doesn't know.

Strengths: Ri's Spirit pressure and immense skill and connection with his Zanpakuto are by far his greatest strengths. He is highly skilled at shunpo at both it's use and it's theory.

Weaknesses: Ri lacks greatly in kidou, his ability in the field can be easy match by a seated officers. His ability in hand to hand combat is also very lack.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Gaircas

Zanpakuto Spirit Looks:

Gaircas is the Name of Ri's Zanpakuto, her name means roaring winds. Gaircas is an elemental Zanpakuto connected with the wind element. Gaircas appeared in two forums a Dragon and a Young lady.

When in her Dragon form Gaircas is nearly a kilometer long, he mane is a blueish green color and extend half way down her body. Her eyes are a sparking blue and hold a great deal of wisdom. Extending from her head are two horns that extend a few meter into the air. She keeps an air of wisdom and greatness well she is this form


However her more common form is that of a young lady who appears to be age around her early teens. She stand at around Ri's height making her around 5'1, her hair is a sky blue color and extends down her body nearly touching the ground. Her eyes are a dark blue but her wisdom and greatness are still unmistakably present. She wears a white bow in her hair and dresses in a light pink dress.

Gaircas personality is the same in both forms, she is demanding always wanting more from Ri but this is only because she know Ri's potential and will push him to the edge to make his tap into it. She cares a great deal about Ri and worries relentlessly about though she never shows it as she knows she has to be tough on Ri for his own good.

Inner World:
Ri's inner world is a reflection of his and Gaircas soul, it takes on the form of an open sky no ground, structures or anything else other than open skies and clouds. The world however changes depicting Ri's or Gaircas emotions or moods, should either of them be worried or saddened it will rain in the world, if they are distressed or enraged a storm will brew in the world.

Ri has a strong connection with Gaircas and due to this entering his inner world doesn't require so much effort. It was in this world Ri's fought and lost again Gaircas a number of time but it was also here he finally learned her name and achieve Shikai. During his Isolation Ri spent a great deal of time within this world and during that time the world was forever in the midst of a uncontrollable storm as a result of Ri's emotions.

Sealed Zanpakuto Description:


Ri's Zanpaktuo is a beautiful pearl blue bladed Katana extending 142.24 centimeters from the hilt. The hilt is pure white and cord wrap around it is a sky blue. The sword's sheath is pure black with the image of a dragon in blue on it mid way down. The same or hanging rope is the same shade of blue as the cord wrap. Since Ri's left hand is dominate his Zanpakuto hangs from his hip on the right side with his bottle on the left. He keeps right hand constantly resting on the hilt so to be prepared at any moment but also to maintain a connection with Gaircas.

Released Zanpakuto Description:
Shikai Abilities:

Name: Stiúir Cas (Controling wind)
Type: Latent
Range: short to long
Description: Ri's ability manipulation the wind via his spirit pressure grows allowing him to use the wind to slow down halt or redirect projectile attacks and allows his to slowly down attack by force with wind against his opponent, however should his opponents pressure be significantly great then his own the effect is considerable less

Name: Buile an Cas (Rage of the wind)
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Description: By condensing wind and pressure along Gaircas blade Ri is able to fire a potent blast that cuts through the wind to it's target. The damage cause depends on the strength of the opponent (Providing it hits)

Name: Foluain Buail (Flying strike)
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-long
Description: Ri invokes gale force winds to circle his enemy, the winds carry vast amounts of his spirit pressure. His Zanpakuto is flung into the winds where it flow with the wind striking with great speed and strength, Ri must stay concentrated from his ability.

[b]Zanpakuto Release Phrase:
The Ruler of The Skies Arise Gaircas.

Released Zanpakuto Looks:
Gaircas's release state takes the form of a Blue sword, 152 cm long from hilt to tip. The blade curves upward at the end, the guard is a Z shaped with a sharp point extending over the hilt. At the end of the hilt is pointed crystal, it is this that allows Ri to gather the reiatsu in the air and use it to replenish his own.Upon release Ri's demeanour changes into the experience fighter he is rather then the cynical bastard he's become of late, his eyes also changed from green to a shinning blue.

Other Techniques:
Hoho- Expert
Zanjutsu: Mastered
Kido: Mediocre
Hakuda: Mediocre
Spirit pressure: Mastered

Bankai Information
This applies to captains only.

Do you want your character to have bankai: Yes

Bankai Description:

Upon final release a number of change in his appeared occur. firstly his hair changed from it normal black colour to a pure white colour , his eyes become a hazy sky blue colour and his clothe change into dazzling white lengthy robes. His attitude becomes very determined but well at the same time he is very light hearted and experimental

Ri's Zanpakuto is replace by a scythe roughly 5-5 in height, this weapon is created by a combination of wind and reiatsu meaning Ri can at will decide to change any aspect of the scythe.

Ri's Bankai enables him to control the wind to unimaginable degree, calming storm or brewing hurricanes become a simple matter. His ability to combine wind and reiatsu into an attack increase ten hold in strength and can be fired from the blade of the scythe.

Ri is also able to suck all reiatsu to his scythe by spinning at high velocity. All reiatsu and kidos are absorb by the scythe then amplified with highly condensed wind and Ri's own reiatsu to from a highly destructive blast that can be fired from Ri's staff. The attack is highly unstable due to this Ri's concentration must be constant a slightly error and the result will be his death.

Bankai Looks:

History and RP Sample


RP Sample:
Background: Earth
Ri grew up in a lovely family on Earth and enjoyed his childhood. He spent his young life carefree never worrying about another. When he hit adolescence he started hearing noises nobody else could and soon he could see spirits. At first he denied them eventually he accepted they were really but ignored them all the same

When he was 18 he was walking home from work on day and heard screams from an ally. without hesitating Ri ran into the dark and found a group of thugs sounding a young lady. In an act of foolish bravery Ri ran into the group swing. He stayed conscious enough to watch the lady run away then he pasted out. He awoke a while late and to his admonishment wasn't hurt, not even a bruise

A few moments later the young lady returned with a police officer and described what happened. Ri tried to call to them but they could he him then when the lady point toward a dark corner is when Ri saw him self lying in a stoop covered in blood.

He looked back to the women, she was it tears. Her dress the ripped and he top was hanging off, the police man had given her his jacket to keep warm but the thought of what might of happened if Ri hadn't help made dying worth it then living knowing he could of stopped it.

He wandered for sometime trying to figure out what to do. He attended his funeral and tried to comfort his family which he liked to think help them. His family was proud of him he was raised to respect life and dieing to save a stranger made his family very proud. Eventually a man dressed in black robe came for Ri, at first Ri refused to pass over but after a length talk with the man Ri decided to passover and so he entered the Soul society

Soul Society

Ri found life in the Soul Society harder then he thought it would be but he survived but only barely. He wondered through the districts never staying in one place to long. He survived by working in bar but after a few years in the Society his memory of life fade and soon all he knew was the Soul Society. He learned the ways of the society and became highly interest in Shinigami, he was told often by the one he came across that he had a wealth of spirit pressure inside him.

Ri always found himself hungry a trait only those with spiritual pressure had in the soul society. After some thought Ri decided to attend the Shinigami Academy. At the academy he didn't have many friends at first, he was to busy making sure he was top of the class but after a few months there and after establishing he was the best in year bar none he soon developed a number of friends.

His time during the academy was easy more or less, he never found any of the work difficult. He spent most his time trying to communicate with his Zanpakuto and sparring anyone who came across his path.

This is how me met the love of his life, Rose. It was a spring day Ri had been fighting his squad mates it some friendly spars when she came waling over, she'd been picked for the kido corp but had transferred to the shinigami academy that day. Ri saw her and for a moment stood in awe of her, it caused him to lose the fight. She asked who was the strongest and Ri stood up, for a moment that seemed to last for ever they starred at each other then with a word both walked to the sparring field and began.

The fight started in the morning and didn't end till the sun had gone down and both Ri and Rose collapse due to exhaustion. They spent the next week in the infirmary talking and it was in that time Ri knew he was in love.

After that the two starting seeing each other, soon both entered into the squads as unseated member but it didn't take the two long to rise in position. Both of them were as determined as the other to get to the next seat before the other. It was this motivation that caused Ri to achieve Shikai thought Rose had beat him to that.

Ri was the seventh seat and Rose the sixth when the day came that Ri purposed. The answer was automatic, Yes. The wedding day came soon and it was the happiest Ri had ever been. Shortly after Ri and Rose moved out of the barrack and into a home of their own.

Gaircas and Ri:

The Death of Love :


Ri returned to the soul society but left the gotei and entered into isolations. For nearly five decades he spent his time with only his Zanpakuto for company for years he struggled with the decision to end his life. He'd often train himself beyond his limits hoping to die of exhaustion or by some twist of fate but after over hundredths of years Ri decided to return to the Gotei, he might as well die in battle.

RP Sample:


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Ri O'Nocht

Ri O'Nocht

Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ri O'Nocht (Complete)   Ri O'Nocht (Complete) EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 6:30 am

Additional Notes:
Ri spirit pressure is linked directly with the wind element such as Yamamoto with fire or Hitsugaya with Ice. He's been incomplete isolation for hundredth of years meaning he know nothing no current events or even historic events. He real ages is 1430. He's also an expert on Zanpakuto's
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Lightning (Kaihime)

Lightning (Kaihime)

Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ri O'Nocht (Complete)   Ri O'Nocht (Complete) EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 12:32 am

i don't think this is in the site's template o.O could you please post it in the appropriate template.

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Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ri O'Nocht (Complete)   Ri O'Nocht (Complete) Empty

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