Years had passed since Drake, The Shadow Stalker, had encountered beings known as the Arrancar. Their existence intrigued him and their seemingly endless abilities just aroused that curiosity he held. One technique that stood out what the God-like power to tear reality open and step into another world, and he was determined on making this mode of transportation his own. He knew tearing large holes in the sky was out of his power but he could meld into the shadow with ease, so this was the key. The only problem there was is the need for power and that could easily be fixed. He knew Bounts grow more powerful from consuming powerful spiritual beings such as the Shinigami. Drake Raced through the dark endless night of the city and knew he would have to go against his beliefs. He would have to kill innocents. The Shinigami are drawn to help the living so he would end a few lives to make his a bit better, rather selfish but at this moment he couldn't careless. He burst through a window where a family soundly slept. As the woke startled from the noise he mercilessly struck them down and absorbed their souls, leaving no one alive, including women and children. But now he had to wait.