Basic Stats
Bow Power: 100
Defense: 20
Speed: 100
Reishi: 20
Stamina: This determines how long your character can fight for. To determine this stat, you take your base points and divide them by 2.
Secondary Stats
Bow Skill: 30
Final Form Mastery: 100
Ginto Intelligence: 20
Hirenkyaku Mastery: 100
Each skill can only have 100 points in it.
These are the stat points for each race and rank.
Base Stats
Quincy Leader: 365
Elder Quincy: 320
Elite Quincy: 275
High-Level Quincy: 240
Average Quincy: 200
Beginner Quincy: 175
Secondary Stats
Quincy Leader: 350
Elder Quincy: 320
Elite Quincy: 300
High-Level Quincy: 250
Average Quincy: 200
Beginner Quincy: 170